Password recovery

Modificado el Lun, 29 Ago, 2022 a 1:25 P. M.

Please note: the process of recovering your password involves resetting it.

I don't know what my password is

If you didn't receive an invitation through email and/or you're new to your company:

  • We advise you to contact your Human Resources department for more information on this issue.

If you did receive an invitation through your email and this is the first time that you use Rankmi:

  • Your username should be your corporate email account.

  • Your password should be detailed in the invitation sent by your company.

I forgot my password

  • First, ask for a password resetting through 'Forgot your password?' on the log-in screen.Remember to check your Spam box!

  • If you had problems with the first option, ask for a password resetting through the Helpdesk chat or email.

  • If you still have problems to reset your password, contact us through the 'Additional Contact Information'.

I'm sure that this is my password, but I still can't access to the platform :(

  • It's very likely that your account is temporarily blocked because of all of the unsuccessfully log-in attempts. If this may be your case, please contact the Helpdesk Team through chat, email or additional contact information.

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